Sheets 2Written ReportSheets 2Written Report logo, as skills verification application

Privacy Policy for Sheets 2Written Report Add-on

This application does  not share Google user data with third party, the only data this application accesses and stores is the app user's email address, security procedures are in place to protect the confidentiality of your data! 
When a user discontinues using this app, you may request for your data/email address to be deleted by us, while a user uses the app, the email address will be stored in a spreadsheet with access to only a data manager, and will be associated with credits that can be used to generate reports. 

Below are the details on how Sheets 2Written Report use the permissions you grant.

The add-on will  - 
See your profile info

This app wants permission to:
-See your primary Google Account email Address
-Associate you with your personal info on Google

How We Use Your Permission - 
See your profile info

Sheets 2Written Report will use this permission to associate your email address with Report Credits when you install and use the add-on. It is with this credit you will be able to generate reports. 
Your email address will be stored in a spreadsheet belonging to the app developers and will not be shared with any third party or used in any promotions aside associating it with Report Credits, as earlier mentioned, security procedures are in place to protect the confidentiality of your data. When you do not use the add-on again, you may request for your data to be deleted by us. 

The add-on will  - 
See, edit, create and delete all your Google Sheets spreadsheets

This app wants permission to:
-See and edit your spreadsheets (including settings and metadata)
-Create new spreadsheets
-Upload and download your spreadsheets
-Organize and delete your spreadsheets
-See the names and emails of people you share your spreadsheets with
-Share and stop sharing your spreadsheets with others
-This app will be able to do the same things that you can do.
Changes made by this application will be attributed to you.
There may be sensitive information in your spreadsheets, like financial records or personal lists

How We Use Your Permission - 
See, edit, create and delete all your Google Sheets spreadsheets

Sheets 2Written Report will use this permission to read data from the your spreadsheet in order to be able to generate reports for you in your google doc file

This add-on will  - 
Display and run third-party web content in prompts and sidebars inside Google applications.

This app wants permission to:
-Display third-party web content in prompts and sidebars inside Google applications
-Run third-party code in your browser
-Receive data you input

How We Use this permission - Display and run third-party web content in prompts and sidebars inside Google applications. 

With this, Sheets 2Written Report will be able to display a sidebar from which you can input information such as row numbers for which you want to generate reports for. 
Users will also be able to check the number of reports they can generate with this permission as well as visit the pricing page of the add on to purchase Credits with which they can generate reports. This granted permission will also allow users to read information on how to use the add-on.

The add-on will  - See, edit, create and delete all your Google docs document

This app wants permission to:
-See and edit your documents (including settings and metadata)
-Create new documents
-Upload and download your documents
-Organize and delete your documents
-See the names and emails of people you share your documents with
-Share and stop sharing your documents with others
-This app will be able to do the same things that you can do. Changes made by this application will be attributed to you.
There may be sensitive information in your documents, like financial records, medical reports, or photos.

How will Sheets 2Written Report use this permission -See, edit, create and delete all your Google docs documents

The add-on will use this permission to populate your google document with template and placeholder information when you generate your report from the spreadsheet. 

Limited Use Requirements

Sheets 2Written Report use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy , including the Limited Use Requirements. 

Your Rights

You have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal data. If you wish to exercise these rights, please contact us at [email protected], alternatively, contact us through our WhatsApp link or use the support in the bottom left of the page. 

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update this privacy policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new privacy policy on this page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this privacy policy or our privacy practices, please contact us at [email protected]

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